On August 6th 2014 (exactly 5 years ago today) Alex’s Army received our official IRS approval designated our Foundation as 501c3 non-profit.

So much has happened in 5 years, we have celebrated victories and we have shed many tears but as we look back our hearts cannot help but to feel full.

Our Alex was a big part of wanting to start Alex’s Army – he was the final say on our Foundation’s name and helped form what our mission would entail. He was proud of the work Alex’s Army is committed to doing and he knew the importance experiencing firsthand what kids go through when diagnosed with cancer. We miss our sweet Alex beyond words and we strive everyday to make sure everything we do would be “Alex approved” and includes little touches of our sweet boy throughout.

Over the years so many people have come alongside us, have helped #BElove for others, and have joined the fight against childhood cancers whether through donating, attending events, volunteering, or helping to raise awareness.

We are forever grateful for each of you…and are so thankful for all who help make up Alex’s Army!

Please help continue to support our mission as we look ahead to another 5 years!

•Like, Follow, and Share our social media pages (how cool would it be if our FB page could reach 5,000 likes in celebration of this anniversary?!?) Facebook Instagram

Make a Donation to help support our mission (every amount helps and is 100% tax-deductible)

•Volunteer with us (we heart our Volunteers!)

•Host an Event

It takes an ARMY to fight Childhood Cancer…Together we are Alex’s Army!