On August 6th 2014 (exactly 5 years ago today) Alex’s Army received our official IRS approval designated our Foundation as 501c3 non-profit.

So much has happened in 5 years, we have celebrated victories and we have shed many tears but as we look back our hearts cannot help but to feel full.

Our Alex was a big part of wanting to start Alex’s Army – he was the final say on our Foundation’s name and helped form what our mission would entail. He was proud of the work Alex’s Army is committed to doing and he knew the importance experiencing firsthand what kids go through when diagnosed with cancer. We miss our sweet Alex beyond words and we strive everyday to make sure everything we do would be “Alex approved” and includes little touches of our sweet boy throughout.

Over the years so many people have come alongside us, have helped #BElove for others, and have joined the fight against childhood cancers whether through donating, attending events, volunteering, or helping to raise awareness.

We are forever grateful for each of you…and are so thankful for all who help make up Alex’s Army!

Please help continue to support our mission as we look ahead to another 5 years!

•Like, Follow, and Share our social media pages (how cool would it be if our FB page could reach 5,000 likes in celebration of this anniversary?!?) Facebook Instagram

Make a Donation to help support our mission (every amount helps and is 100% tax-deductible)

•Volunteer with us (we heart our Volunteers!)

•Host an Event

It takes an ARMY to fight Childhood Cancer…Together we are Alex’s Army!

2019 Couples Retreat

This past weekend was beautiful beyond words. Alex’s Army hosted our first ever Couples Retreat and we truly feel like it couldn’t have been any more perfect.

The couples, the conversations, the weather…all of it…every single part was absolutely perfect in every way.

Life leaves us broken at times and we don’t always understand the “why” when painful things happen. We can be left feeling alone…alone as individuals and alone in our marriages. But then there are people that God brings into our paths, not by coincidence. People to lift us up, to walk alongside us, to hold our hands, to listen, and to love us in our brokenness.

This weekend a common thread was finding the beauty amongst the pain, the light shining through the darkness. It was about marriage, family, healing, and new friendships – it was about faith, hope, and love.

“Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.”

1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT

2019 Driving for a Cure

A huge thank you to everyone who helped make our 5th Annual Driving for a Cure another great success! While the weather may have been hot~hot~hot that didn’t deter our awesome golfers and volunteers from having a great day on the course!
Thank you to this year’s Tournament Sponsor (and awesome grilling team) Dulles Group – Thrivent Financial Martin Cox & David Stach.
Thank you to our friends at Chick-Fil-A Haymarket for providing breakfast and boxed lunches before and during play for our golfers!

A huge thank you to all of our Greens, Tee Box, and Beverage Cart sponsors for your generous support, to all of our donors who contributed items for our silent auction and raffle prize drawings, to our amazing volunteers, planning team, and to our rockstar Tournament Director Franz Ferstl!

We LOVE our golfers who year after year make this such a FUN and successful fundraiser event ~ Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

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Thank You to Regency Women’s Club of Dominion Valley

On Thursday, June 6th, Jenni Green and Liz Bush of Alex’s Army Childhood Cancer Foundation were invited to join the Regency Women’s Club of Dominion Valley for their annual Dinner Meeting and Presentation of Scholarships and Charity Grants.

Alex’s Army Childhood Cancer Foundation together with Feeding Friends, another local nonprofit organization from Prince William County, each received checks for $9,000! The amount given this year was said to be an all time high for the Regency Women’s Club.

Every year, the Regency Women’s Club of Dominion Valley chooses 2 local non-profit organizations and raises funds throughout the year through various fundraiser events in an effort to help support the chosen charities missions. We were so honored to have been nominated and chosen as one of the 2018-2019 beneficiaries. The women in this club are definitely a special group and what they are doing to give back to the community is both inspiring and heartwarming.

On behalf of everyone at Alex’s Army Childhood Cancer Foundation, we thank the Regency Women’s Club for believing in our mission, for their kindness, love and support, and for empowering our foundation financially so that we can continue to make a difference for families in our area fighting childhood cancers.

Super Siblings Bowling at Uptown Alley

Our hearts are beaming from the smiles shared and fun that was had by all on Sunday. Many people don’t realize that siblings can often feel overlooked when a child in the family is diagnosed with cancer. While these sweet children feel sad, scared, or even jealous, they tend to keep those feelings inside in fear of bringing more grief or worry to their already grief-stricken parents.

Alex’s Army knows just how AMAZING these SUPER SIBLINGs are and just how strong the bond between siblings can be – this event was held to CELEBRATE the awesome siblings all around us! You can just feel the love from the pictures that these SUPER SIBLINGS have for each other and we are so thankful to have gotten to spend the day with each and every one of them!

Thank you to Apple Federal Credit Union foundation for choosing Alex’s Army as beneficiary of the 2018-2019 Impact Grant and allowing us to hold events like this! Thank you to Uptown Alley Manassas for helping us put on a wonderful event! Thank you also to Park Valley Church Miracle of Mercy women’s group for not only helping pack gifts for the kids but also for joining our volunteer team to shower the families with love at the event!

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Alex’s Army on Amazon Smile

Click on the link below to get started:

Kids Helping Kids Amazon Wishlist

2019 Battle of the Bands Winners and Photos

Thank you to all of the amazing bands that participated

2019 Teen Winners: Stone Cold

2019 Adult Winners: Wandering Lies

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Fighting Childhood Cancer Until There's a Cure!