Tom Coughlin Jay Fund Foundation Honors Childhood Cancer Awareness Month with #GoGold Initiative at NY Giants 2014 Season Home Opener

The Tom Coughlin Jay Fund Foundation today announced it will honor its 2014 Childhood Cancer Awareness Month initiative “#GoGold” on Sunday September 14 at the New York Giants home opener at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford NJ.Twelve families of pediatric oncology patients will attend the game as special guests of the Tom Coughlin Jay Fund watch the game from MetLife Stadium’s Legacy Club and wear special edition Jay Fund #GoGoldt-shirts. New York Giants Head Coach and Founder of the Jay Fund Tom Coughlin and his coaching staff will also wear #GoGold pins to show their support.Additionally Coughlin will wear the pin during all September games.

Check Tom Coughlin’s video about his Foundation here.

Will Ferrell hates cancer — and he’ll play video games on Twitch to prove it

Actor Will Ferrell, who starred in films like Anchorman and Elf, is asking the gaming community to help him raise at least $375,000 as part of an IndieGogo crowdfunding campaign to benefit non-profit organizations Cancer for College and DonateGames. If the project reaches its goal, Ferrell promises to spend Oct. 26 playing video games on Twitch. The event will feature special items for people who donate, like a tube of “Will Ferrell’s SuperMegaUVBlastMax: Gamer’s Sunscreen.” And everyone who contributes is entered into a sweepstakes to travel to San Francisco and take on Ferrell in a battle of gaming skill. You can get all of the details at

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Full 6th Annual Walk-N-Roll Toward Wellness Results

Walk N Roll Toward Wellness 5K Race Results 2014

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Man takes 101 photos of cancer courage

Photographer Peter Doyle is the parent of a healthy 3-year-old boy. Sitting in the cancer wing of a pediatric hospital for business, he had an epiphany as he watched the families make their way past him.

“(They) were just like my own little family. At least they had been like mine until they were suddenly engulfed with the stress and fear that comes with hearing your child’s cancer diagnosis. My wife and I have a bright-eyed, curious, three-year-old son. Feeling that momentary panic of what would we do if our world was ever thrown topsy-turvy by similar tidings, I asked myself where we would find support and encouragement? The answer came swiftly: Who better to extend a helpful word of hope than these very families surrounding me? The journey of photographing 101 childhood cancer warriors and survivors leading me across America began that very night.”

Doyle began a journey around America, photographing children with cancer and having them write about their own stories. Childhood Cancer Portraits is a collection of 101 portraits and handwritten notes of hope, wisdom and encouragement from children with cancer. Twenty-two of the children featured in Doyle’s just released book are from Atlanta.

Up to 50% of the profits from the book will go to childhood cancer non profits and the families of the children featured in the book, to help pay for medical expenses.

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Kansas boy with cancer asks for superhero birthday, world answers

Michigan children’s hospital to get $250,000 grant

“The generous support from Hyundai’s Hope on Wheels is going to allow us to pursue an exciting new area of investigation that we are optimistic will lead to better therapy for Ewing sarcoma patients,” Lawlor said. “This research is particularly innovative since it involves new partnerships with other investigators from diverse disciplines across the University of Michigan. We are confident that by working together we are going to make more important discoveries and make them faster.”

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Devon Still and Bengals Take Stance Against Pediatric Cancer

An ESPN report by Coley Harvey really brought to light how close to home Pediatric Cancer has hit the Bengals organization and Devon Still. In June, Still found out his four year old daughter has stage-4 Neuroblastoma cancer and a 50-50 shot at survival. As a father, I know it would be hard to find out news like that, but Still has battled on while earning a spot on the Bengals practice squad.

The Cincinnati Bengals (and Devon Still) decided to take it one step further, not only to ensure that Still had a paycheck and health insurance for his daughter, but to contribute to the effort directly

On top of the Bengals donating the proceeds from Still’s jersey sales, Devon Still has also set up a fundraiser at You can sign up to donate money per sack. Proceeds from Still’s Fundraiser will benefit the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, which happen to be leaders in research for pediatric cancer.

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ESPN Interview

Fighting Childhood Cancer Until There's a Cure!