4-year-old cancer survivor dresses as herself for ‘Superhero Day’

Josie Kimberlin is one 4-year-old who knows what real superheroes are made of.

They aren’t composed of muscles made of steel, or men flying around in the sky, or even women with impossibly tight leather suits. Instead, real superheroes are made of courage, bravery, and kindness. All of which this one little girl has displayed before she even entered kindergarten.

And the best part is — she completely knows her own strength.

Diagnosed in 2013 with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Josie went into remission nine months after her cancer was discovered. So the night before “Superhero Day” at school, Josie’s mother, Alyssa Butler, encouraged her daughter to dress up as herself instead of a classic superhero. Butler told The Huffington Post:

“We were going through her closet the night before and she didn’t really have anything with any kind of superhero stuff on it, so I asked her, ‘Do you just want to go as yourself? Because you know you’re mommy’s superhero. And she just kind of ran with the idea and she loved it.”

Butler explained to Babble that she told Josie that she was her hero and how brave she was.

“She smiled, lit up with a glow that could light the night sky, put her hands up, and acted like she was flying! She felt awesome – she is my hero, and we want to show the other kids battling cancer and disease how strong they are. How they aren’t alone fighting, how they are their own superhero.”

According to her Facebook page, Josie’s Journey, strength has been a common theme in the family’s experience with cancer.

“My daughter has shown me how strong a child really is, how smart a woman really can be, and how easy my heart is broken. The day I heard the news of my angel having cancer, I completely lost it. Shortly after, I looked at her sweet smile and realized that I have to stand up be a stronger mother.”

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Did You Know?


Alex’s Army recently donated $35,000.00 to Wilms Tumor Research, and the awesome thing is our foundation is only 1 year old!

We are committed to helping make up for the lack of funding childhood cancer research currently receives from our government, our nations kids deserve ‪#‎morethan4‬!

While this is a small donation in the world of big pharma and research, to our small organization and as parents of a child who has fought this exact cancer for 6 years, $35,000.00 is HUGE and we are so excited to be able to continue do whatever we can to help fund new research initiatives as our foundation grows!

Right now Alex’s Army is on the leaderboard for the WTOP contest, which truly is amazing! That said,we REALLY want that prize money so we can continue our mission to help families like ours battling this disease!

We have an amazing event we are planning in January that will directly impact lives for families affected by childhood cancer in our area! This money would be a HUGE blessing to that event for those families.

Please help us

When you share, be sure to suggest Alex’s Army, if you just share the link then your friends and followers won’t know what you want them to do or who you want them to vote for.

Contest ended September 25th at 5 PM.

From the bottom of our hearts, Thank you!

7th Annual Walk-N-Roll to Wellness Photos

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Fighting Childhood Cancer Until There's a Cure!