Below is a list of how Alex’s Army has made a difference thanks to your support!
- Provided $50,000 in Research Funding to continue to support Wilms tumor research funding at Children’s National, Click here to check out our Facebook announcement and follow us to keep up to date on all things Alex’s Army!
- Provided pillowcases, care packages, toiletries, gift cards, Alex’s Army crochet dolls to children fighting cancer and their families
- Held family support events like our 4th Couples Retreat and our 2nd Summer Bash for our local families whom we love so much!
- Awarded 3 Green & Gold Athletic Spirit Scholarships to 3 more incredible athletes and childhood cancer warriors bringing our total scholarship funds provided since started in 2021 to $34,000! These scholarships are possible thanks to partnership through local basketball programs participation in our new Bucket-A-Thon events; If you’re interested in learning how your school or org can host your own Bucket-A-Thon to mutually benefit your needs and Alex’s Army, please don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more!
- Held successful fundraiser events to raise money toward our mission but also providing opportunities for our local community to volunteer, come together for a greater purpose, and to #BElove for families going through so much!
- Held our 2nd ever Hearts of Gold Gala, this time celebrating 10 years of Alex’s Army Childhood Cancer Foundation and 10 years of LOVE!
- Provided $30,000 in Research Funding for genetic research program at Children’s National
- Continued to provide pillowcases, care packages, toiletries, gift cards, Forever in our Hearts Bereavement Kites, Alex’s Army crochet dolls & so much more to children fighting cancer and their families
- Held our 3rd Couples Retreat and our 1st ever Summer Bash event for our local families whom we love so much!
- Our Love & Pickles meals team continued to provide meals and groceries as needed for local families totaling to over 25 meals provided including an incredible Thanksgiving Feast for one of our local families
- Awarded 3 Green & Gold Athletic Spirit Scholarships to 3 incredible athletes and childhood cancer warriors bringing our total scholarship funds provided since started in 2021 to $25,000! These scholarships are possible thanks to partnership through local basketball programs participation in our new Bucket-A-Thon events; If you’re interested in learning how your school or org can host your own Bucket-A-Thon to mutually benefit your needs and Alex’s Army, please don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more!
- Held successful fundraiser events (Cornhole Tournament, Super Bowl Ticket Raffle, Golf Tournament) to raise money toward our mission but also providing opportunities for our local community to volunteer, come together for a greater purpose, and to #BElove for families going through so much!
- Continued to be a source of encouragement and love to the childhood cancer community and the families we love & serve!
- As a supporter of the REST Immunotherapy Trial for the past several years, Alex’s Army Childhood Cancer Foundation was invited amongst other supporting donors and organizations to attend an invite only celebration with Children’s National as they were presented $25 Million Cancer Grand Challenges prestigious award to tackle solid tumors in children! We have remained steadfast in our fundraising over the years to make a difference in research advances focusing on Wilms Tumor. Your donations truly ARE making big differences in the advancement of research and we are so grateful to have the continued support and trust from our community and supporters!Read more about this incredible achievement and announcement here.
- $25,000 in 2022 provided to support the Clinical Implementation for several new research studies at Children’s National including ATTACK (previously called REST trial)
- Total Research funding to date from the start of our Foundation in 2014 is now $575,000!
- $12,000 in Athletic Scholarships provided for 8 athletes impacted by Childhood Cancers thanks to partnership through local basketball programs participation in our new Bucket-A-Thon events; Learn more here:
If you’re interested in learning how your school or org can host your own Bucket-A-Thon to mutually benefit your needs and Alex’s Army, please don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more! - Care packages, pillowcases, crochet dolls, gifts of love provided to families near and far to remind all families they are never alone and that they are loved
- Our Love & Pickles program since we started in 2019 has served 10 families, provided 148 meals, and over $4,709 in grocery/meal support
- Hosted one last attempt to break the Guinness World Record and to bring our community together honoring families impacted by childhood cancers, to raise awareness, and to honor the local heroes in our emergency response personnel and in our community!
- Continued countless prayers by our prayer team for families going through the unimaginable throughout the year
- Continue funding the REST Immunotherapy Trial at Children’s National with an additional $50,000 in 2021 bringing total research funds to date $550,000
- Provided pillowcases, care packages, toiletries, gift cards, Forever in our Hearts Bereavement Kites and Crochet Dolls to children fighting cancer and their families
- We continued to help coordinate End of Treatment parades for local families
- Our Love & Pickles meals team continued to provide meals and groceries as needed for local families totaling to over 75 meals provided in 2021 alone
- Awarded our first Green & Gold Athletic Spirit Scholarships to 3 incredible athletes and childhood cancer warriors
- $60,000 Research Funding bringing total research funding to $500,000
- 2 Prayer Team Visits at Inova Fairfax Children’s Hospital (prior to COVID shutdown)
- 45 Pillowcases, 59 Care Packages, 2 Baby Blankets, 2 Forever in our Hearts Bereavement gifts, and Crochet Dolls delivered to children fighting cancer and their families across 9 States
- Delivered Easter Care Packages with COVID assistance for 13 Prince William County families on Alex’s 16th Birthday
- 80 handsewn masks provided for COVID considerations to local childhood cancer families
- We helped coordinate End of Treatment & Birthday Parades for a few local families
- Our Love & Pickles meals team continued to provide meals and groceries as needed for local families
- Announced the start of our annual Green & Gold Athletic Spirit Scholarships with first scholarships to be awarded in April 2021
- $100,000 Research Grant to Children’s National in continuation of support for the REST Immunotherapy Trial (Phase 2)
- 195 Care Packages delivered to children at Fairfax Inova Children’s Hospital and to families and children in 11 different states
- 11 Prayer Team visits to Inova Fairfax Children’s Hospital
- 72 Prayer Pillowcases provided to children and families
- 28 Crochet Super Hero Dolls
- Over 50 parent toiletry kits delivered to Inova Fairfax Children’s Hospital for parents on the Pediatric Hematology/Oncology unit helping to restock as needed ensuring there are always supplies for parents unexpectedly staying overnight
- Helped send families to attend various events in our area such as Nationals games, Caps games, Redskins games, and more! We LOVE your donated tickets and helping to provide families with much needed fun days out!
- And thanks to your continued love and support, below are a few new things we did this past year:
- Alex’s Army hosted our first ever Couples Retreat at the beautiful Poplar Springs Inn & Spa – this was a weekend getaway for local couples/parents to have the opportunity to reconnect with each other as a couple, to connect with other parents, and to just find some time to relax and unwind. The weekend included couples activities such as a couples photo shoot and scavenger hunt, group activities, s’mores by the bonfire, complimentary massages at the spa, lots of laughs, a few tears, and just an overwhelming sense of togetherness and love for all who were able to attend.
- We hosted our first Super Sibling event at Uptown Alley – this was a free event celebrating the incredibly awesome siblings of children fighting cancer but also celebrating the bond of siblings and providing a fun care-free day for the families who attended complete with bowling, laser tag/gaming, food, gifts, and even gift certificates for each family to return for a day of bowling on their own!
- In May 2019 we formed our FB group Love & Pickles and officially began helping provide meals for local Prince William county families impacted by a childhood cancer diagnosis and going through some extra tough circumstances. Our Love & Pickles team provided over 30 meals to local families including a full Thanksgiving Dinner for a local family.
- $100,000 Research Grant to Children’s National to help fund the REST Immunotherapy Trial (more).
- 260 Care Packages delivered to children at Fairfax Inova Children’s Hospital and to families and children in 14 different states
- 12 Prayer Team visits which included bringing gifts, breakfast, coffee, and lots of LOVE to the families at Inova Children’s Hospital. In 2018 we incorporated a few themed visits including an EMOJI party and one time bringing Rapunzel with us!
- 70 Prayer Pillowcases sent out to children and families
- 60 Super Hero Dolls made lovingly by our friend Kristi Catlett at GoldRibbonCrochet
- 100 parent toiletry kits delivered to Fairfax Children’s Hospital to be kept on the unit and distributed as needed to parents unexpectedly staying overnight
- We also did a few new things this year:
- We sent families to Minefaire and gifted them with tickets for the whole family, gifts including cookies made by our
friends at Salsa Sweets, Minecraft themed gifts such as a blanket and glasses for the kids, as well as a $50 gift
card for spending money! - We created Forever in our Hearts Kites and mailed them to 18 different families. We will be building on this idea and creating a beautiful package for families who have lost a child from childhood cancer.
- We also helped provide meals to 4 different families locally in 2018
- We sent families to Minefaire and gifted them with tickets for the whole family, gifts including cookies made by our
- $100,000 Research Grant to Children’s National to fund the Phase II REST Immunotherapy Study (more).
- 247 Care Packages delivered to Children’s Oncology Programs at 7 U.S. Hospitals & Care Facilities
- Children’s National Medical Center (Washington DC)
- Inova Fairfax Hospital (Falls Church, VA)
- Arnold Palmer Hospital/Haley Center for Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders (Orlando, FL)
- Johns Hopkins (Baltimore, MD)
- Seattle Children’s Hospital (Seattle, WA)
- Ronald McDonald House (Seattle, WA)
- Kaiser Permanente Union Station (Washington DC)
- 89 Care Packages mailed directly to families in 18 different states
- 12 Prayer Team visits which include bringing Panera Breakfast to families at Inova Fairfax Children’s Hospital
- 105 Prayer Pillowcases mailed to children and families across the US!
- $105,000.00 in Research Funding ($100,000 to fund Children’s National Medical Center REST Study / $5,000 to fund The Children’s Cancer Therapy Development Institute The Functional Genomics of Wilms Tumor for Anaplastic Wilms Tumor)
- Journal of Clinical Oncology Phase I Report
- Over 350 Care Packages, 120 Prayer Pillowcases, 6 Baby Blankets, and 20 Crochet Dolls delivered to children fighting cancer and their siblings
- Over 50 toiletry kits for parents at Inova Fairfax Hospital
- 6 Hospitals and Oncology clinics served including:
- Inova Fairfax Children’s Hospital (Falls Church, VA)
- Children’s National Medical Center (Washington D.C.)
- UVA Children’s Hospital (Charlottesville, VA)
- Kosair Children’s Hospital (Louisville, KY)
- Pediatric Specialists of Virginia (Falls Church, VA)
- Children’s Hospital of St. Louis (St. Louis, MO)
- $35,000 Cancer Research Funding – Wilms Tumor Research via Children’s Oncology Group
- 98 Care Packages
- 18 Prayer Pillowcases
- Hospitals served included: Fairfax Inova Children’s Hospital and Pediatric Specialists of VA
- 8 Care Packages
- 9 Prayer Pillowcases
- First Care Package and toiletry donation to Fairfax Inova Children’s Hospital
- Alex’s Army Childhood Cancer Foundation established as 501c3