Enrollment for 2025 Green & Gold Athletic Spirit Scholarship

We will be accepting applications for the 2025 scholarships from February 1st through March 15th and will award scholarship recipients in April of this year. Prior to printing the application, please be sure to thoroughly read the application guidelines found on this page to check for qualifications, important submission information, FAQs, and more.



Learn more about the 2 types of scholarships we offer by clicking here.

Hearts of Gold Gala 2024 (that’s a wrap!)

We are so incredibly excited to share with you all that our Hearts of Gold Gala raised a whopping $70,022.40 (and counting)!!!!  We are still collecting final donations but we far exceeded our $60k goal and all in all we are over the moon with your generosity, love, & your support of our foundation and our Hearts of Gold Gala event celebrating 10 years of love!!!

To say the evening was special is an incredible understatement.  We feel so blessed by every moment and by each of you who joined us.  Everything from our Honorary Family Kendall, Michelle, & David sharing a little of their story, to the live auction bidding with professional auctioneer HL Wenger and finishing off the evening with your incredibly generous paddle raise donations and finally dancing!!! 

We had a wonderful time and hope each of you who joined us did as well!!

A huge Congratulations to each of our Hearts of Gold Volunteer Award Recipients.  We thank you for your service, support, and love that you have each poured into making Alex’s Army what it is:  Trish Weinstein, Brett & Tawni Schwemer, Bernadette & Kevin Long, and The Dunham Family!

Thank you again to our event sponsors – Heart of Love Sponsors: Simply Divine Decorating & Staging; to our Heart of Hope Sponsors:  OFW Law, and The Dunham Family; to our Heart of Compassion Sponsors: Calverton Self Storage, Olamar Interiors, Milestone Towers, North Real Estate, Superior Paving; and to all of our family ticket sponsors!

Special Thank You to Pastor Barry of Park Valley Church for sharing a special blessing over dinner, our families, and all impacted by cancer.  Thank you also to LCS Site Services for donating an incredibly luxurious shuttle for our attendees.  Thank you to all our In-Kind Auction Basket and Wine Grab Donors for contributing towards the success of this event!

Thank you to our amazing planning committee, our Founders, all our volunteers, and our speakers for the evening! 

It truly does take an army to fight childhood cancer and we feel as though we have the best army around! 


Thank You to Karen & Jason Halsall of Karen Halsall Photography for capturing the special moments from this event – to see all the pictures from our Hearts of Gold Gala visit Hearts of Gold Gala Ten Years by Karen A. Halsall Photography LLC (Download PIN 6690)

Gala Ticket Sales are Open and You are Invited!

Friday November 22nd 2024

6pm – 11 pm
Poplar Springs Manor
Warrenton, Virginia

Black Tie Optional

Ticket Sales are Open and You are Invited!   

Our Hearts of Gold Gala 2024 event will take place Friday, November 22nd at the beautiful Poplar Springs Manor in Warrenton, VA which is the same location we host our annual Couples Retreats for our moms & dads.  We are so excited to celebrate as we look back on the last 10 years of Alex’s Army and fund raise the night away to help launch us into these next 10 years!  Your ticket and/or sponsorship will include cocktails, buffet dinner, dessert, silent and live auction items, a program you won’t want to miss, plus music, dancing, & more!  Our Hearts of Gold Gala only comes around once every 5 years and we do not want you to miss out! 

Sponsor Information:  There are sponsorship levels for all, a few of which include overnight accommodations at the beautiful Poplar Manor Inn & Spa!  Not able to attend?  We would LOVE for you to consider sponsoring one of our local families with an enchanting night out!

More information on sponsorship levels can be found in our sponsor packet here

We also are seeking out in-kind donations for our silent auction, live auction, and our 2024 wine grab!  If you have items you’d like to contribute towards our auction OR if you’d like to donate a bottle or two of wine for our wine grab, use the Contact Us link below.  All donors will be recognized on signage at the Gala event, as always donations can also be indicated as anonymous as well.

For questions or more information on how you can sponsor or support through in-kind donations for our 10-year anniversary Gala event, contact us.

Sponsor Packet

2024 Summer Bash

This past weekend Alex’s Army hosted our End of Summer Bash & Family Day 2024 and we couldn’t have asked for more perfect weather for our Luau themed party!  We loved seeing all the smiles on everyone’s faces and feel so blessed to be able to host events like these for our fellow childhood cancer families & community.

Special Thank you to Crockett Park & Fauquier County Parks for their efforts in making sure this event was such a success and to Mini’s Mission & the Jeff Gordon Foundation whose grant to Alex’s Army last year helped us put on such an awesome event!  Thank you also to Bruno’s Bounce House, Dream ArT Facepainting & Balloons, Cookies & Cream, Mission BBQ, United Rentals, The Barber Family, to all our awesome volunteers, and special thank you to Karen & Jason Halsall for donating their time and photography talents to help capture such a beautiful event.

(Childhood Cancer Fams – make sure you don’t miss out these and other family events by requesting to join our mailing list by sending us a note through our Contact Us form)

Pictures from this year’s event can be found below thanks to Karen Halsall Photography and on our social pages @alexsarmyccf

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To make a Tax-Deductible donation so that our team can continue hosting events like these for the childhood cancer community, visit here.  Every donation helps and allows us to fulfill our mission to fund research, raise awareness, and to be a source of encouragement and support through faith, hope, and love!

Hearts of Gold Gala – Save the Date 2024

Friday November 22nd 2024
Poplar Springs Manor
Warrenton, Virginia

We are incredible excited to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Alex’s Army later this year!  Our Hearts of Gold Gala 2024 event will take place Friday, November 22nd at the beautiful Poplar Springs Manor in Warrenton, VA.  

We are so excited to celebrate as we look back on the last 10 years of Alex’s Army and fund raise the night away to help launch us into these next 10 years!  Your ticket and/or sponsorship will include cocktails, buffet dinner, dessert, silent and live auction items, a program you won’t want to miss, plus music, dancing, & more!  Our Hearts of Gold Gala only comes around once every 5 years and we do not want you to miss out!

Online Tickets will be going on sale as early as July/August 2024.

We are currently looking for businesses/individuals who would like to be one of our sponsors for this year’s event.  There are sponsorship levels for all, a few of which include overnight accommodations at the beautiful Poplar Manor Inn & Spa!  Not able to attend, we would LOVE for you to consider sponsoring one of our local families to attend. 

More information on sponsorship levels can be found in our sponsor packet here

Sponsors can mail in their sponsorship as early as today to guarantee a spot or wait until online ticket sales open to register online.  Mail-in form is located at the back of our sponsor packet.

We also are seeking out in-kind donations for our silent auction, live auction, and our 2024 wine grab!  

For questions or more information on how you can sponsor or support our 10-year anniversary Gala event, contact us.

Sponsor Packet

2024 Driving for a Cure

On Monday, May 6th we held our 9th Annual Driving for a Cure Golf Tournament at Piedmont Golf Club in Haymarket, VA.

It was another amazing day of golf, friends, and fundraising – and we are as always so thankful to each and every one of our Sponsors, Golfers, Donors, and Volunteers who joined us once again for this fundraiser event to make a difference for families who know what it’s like to watch their child fight cancer.

Special Thank You once again to this year’s Tournament Sponsor Chick-fil-A of Haymarket & VA Gateway!

Congratulations to our Top Teams and Contest Winners:
1st Place Team: Shawn Hanrahan, Justin Besachio, Jay Price, and Steve Bowling

2nd Place Team: Patrick Delaney, Michael Delaney, George Marquarot, and Beth Foster

3rd Place Team: Kelly Cordle, Ronny White, Larry Doss, and Jason Koch

Hackers’ Award Team: Jacob Green, Travis Green, Kam Franklin, and Jack Berberoglu

Super Putt Contest Winner: Trevor McQuillen

$2500 Putting Contest Attempt: Jack Berberoglu

Longest Drive Male: Jeff Lascola

Longest Drive Female: Caroline Cho

Closest to the Pin: Kevin Kuzma

Pictures are up, we hope you enjoy all the pics from our 9th Annual Driving for a Cure Golf Tournament!

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Last but certainly NOT least – at our Driving for a Cure end of tournament banquet this year, we announced an exciting way for our golfers and Driving for a Cure event to directly support our upcoming Family Day for our local families.

We still have supporter spots left and would love if you would consider making a 100% tax-deductible donation to help us make sure this is an incredible event!  Your $100 donation is so greatly appreciated! In doing so you will receive a small sign on the putt-putt golf course that families will read throughout the day as they play.  Our team will reach out to you once all spots are filled to get the information you would like for us to include on your sponsor signage.

Click here to support our Family Day 2024 https://alexsarmyccf.rallyup.com/familyeventsponsor

Until next year golfers…10th Annual here we come!

Fighting Childhood Cancer Until There's a Cure!